Tuesday, September 18, 2018

35. 魚槍攑懸, 拚全身 ê 力

35. Hî-chhiuⁿ gia̍h koân, piàⁿ choân-sin ê la̍t
Koh-lâi hit liàn, i hiám-á sêng-kong. M̄-koh hî iáu-sī lia̍h-chiàⁿ, siû-khui. Lí boeh hāi góa sí, hî ah, lāu lâng siūⁿ. M̄-koh lí ū khoân-lī án-ne. Hiaⁿ-tī, góa m̄-bat tú-kòe pí lí khah úi-tāi, khah súi-khùi, khah léng-chēng, khah ko-kùi ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ. Lâi ah, lâi thâi góa. Siáng thâi siáng lóng bô iàu-kín.
Taⁿ lí thâu-hîn ah, i siūⁿ. Lí ài pó-chhî thâu-khak chheng-chhéⁿ, chai án-chóaⁿ chhiūⁿ lâm-chú-hàn a̍h-sī chhiūⁿ hî án-ne chia̍h-khó͘, i siūⁿ.
"Chheng-chhéⁿ ah, thâu-khak," i kóng, siaⁿ sè-kah ná bô. "Chheng-chhéⁿ ah."
Koh nn̄g liàn ah, kāng-khoán bô chìn-tián.
Góa m̄-chai, lāu lâng siūⁿ. Ta̍k-kái i lóng hiám-á hūn--khì. Góa m̄-chai, m̄-koh hō͘ góa koh chhì--chi̍t-ē.
I koh chhì chi̍t kái, tng i kā hî thoa-óa ê sî, i kám-kak tit-boeh hūn--khì. Hî koh ka-tī lia̍h-chiàⁿ, bān-bān siû-khui, tōa-bóe tī chúi-bīn phia̍t.
Góa koh chhì leh, lāu lâng koat-tēng, sui-bóng i ê chhiú hoeh-lâu hoeh-tih, ba̍k-chiu ian-n̄g.
I koh chhì, kiat-kó kāng-khoán. I siūⁿ, bōe khai-sí i tō boeh hūn khì ah; góa koh chhì chi̍t-ē.
I jím-siū it-chhè ê thiàⁿ, the̍h-chhut chhun ê khùi-la̍t hām chun-giâm, choân-pō͘ piàⁿ hō͘ hî, hî ǹg i khi-sin khin-khin siû--lâi, tn̂g-chhùi hiám-á kho̍k tio̍h chûn-pang, koh keng-kòe chûn-ē, sin-khu tn̂g, chia̍h-chúi chhim, thé-hêng khoah, gîn-sek hî-sin tah-phòe kiô-sek ê tiâu-bûn, tī chúi ni̍h keng-kòe ná chhiūⁿ bô-liáu-sî.
Lāu lâng kā soh-á pàng-lo̍h, iōng kha ta̍h leh, kā hî-chhiuⁿ chīn-liōng gia̍h-koân, piàⁿ choân-sin ê la̍t pàng-lo̍h, koh chū-chi̍p khah-chē ê khùi-la̍t, ùi hî-sin tī chúi-bīn kap lāu-lâng heng-chêng pêⁿ-koân ê hî-si̍t āu-piah hia kā thuh--ji̍p-khì. I kám-kak thih ê thâu ū ji̍p--khì, i àⁿ--kòe, koh kā tu̍h, iōng choân-sin ê tāng-liōng kā sak.
Sí-bông kàu-ūi, hî hut-jiân oa̍h kòe-lâi, thiàu chhut chúi, hiàn-chhut kui-sin ê tn̂g-tō͘ kap khoah-tō͘, kap só͘-ū i ê khùi-la̍t kap bí-lē. I khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ná-chhiūⁿ sī kòa tī lāu lâng hām chûn téng-koân ê khong-tiong. Koh-lâi i siàng lo̍h chúi, phùn-kah lāu lâng hām chûn tâm-lok-lok.
Lāu lâng thâu-hîn, boeh-thò͘, ba̍k-chiu ian-n̄g. M̄-koh i chéng-lí hó hî-chhiuⁿ ê soh-á, hō͘ i ùi nn̄g chhiú liu chhut-khì, tán i ē-tàng khòaⁿ chheng-chhó ê sî, hî í-keng péng-pak, gîn-sek ê pak-tó͘ hiòng thiⁿ. Hî-chhiuⁿ ê pèⁿ siâ-siâ ùi hî ê keng-thâu thu̍t-chhut, hái-chúi hō͘ i sim-chōng ê hoeh ní-âng. Chi̍t-khai-sí ná sī nâ-sek hái ni̍h ê chi̍t-phìⁿ soa-than, chhim-tō͘ chhiau-kòe chi̍t mai. Koh-lâi i ná hûn sòaⁿ-khui. Hî pe̍h-siak-siak, tiām-tiām tòe hái-éng iô-tāng.
Lāu lâng thàn taⁿ khòaⁿ-ū, siông-sè kā khòaⁿ. Jiân-āu i kā hî-chhiuⁿ ê soh-á tān nn̄g liàn tī chûn-thâu ê thiāu-á, siang-chhiú moh thâu.
"Thâu-khak ài chheng-chhéⁿ," i khò tī chûn-thâu pang kóng. "Góa sī thiám-thôe ê lāu lâng. M̄-koh góa thâi-sí chit ê hî hiaⁿ-tī, taⁿ góa ài lâi chò kho͘-lô."
Taⁿ góa ài chún-pī soh-á khian kap soh-á kā pa̍k tī chûn-piⁿ, i siūⁿ. Sīm-chì kā chûn koàn-móa chúi chài hî khí-lâi, koh kā chúi iúⁿ-tiāu, kan-ta chài goán nn̄g ê, chûn mā té i bē lo̍h. Góa ài kín chún-pī, kā thoa-óa, pa̍k-hó, khiā ûi-koaiⁿ, theⁿ chûn-phâng, thang tńg-khì.
35. 魚槍攑懸, 拼全身 ê
閣來彼輾, 伊險仔成功. 毋過魚猶是掠正, 泅開. 你欲害我死, ah, 老人想. 毋過你有權利 án-ne. 兄弟, m̄-bat 拄過比你較偉大, 較媠氣, 較冷靜, 較高貴 ê 物件. ah, 來刣我. Siáng siáng 攏無要緊.
今你頭眩 ah, 伊想. 你愛保持頭殼清醒, 知按怎像男子漢抑是像魚 án-ne 食苦, 伊想.
"清醒 ah, 頭殼," 伊講, 聲細甲 ná 無. "清醒 ah."
Koh 兩輾 ah, 仝款無進展.
我毋知, 老人想. 逐改伊攏險仔昏去. 我毋知, 毋過予我 koh 試一下.
koh 試一改, 當伊 魚拖倚 ê , 伊感覺直欲昏去. koh 家己掠正, 慢慢泅開, 大尾 水面 phia̍t.
koh leh, 老人決定, 雖罔伊 ê 手血流血滴, 目睭 ian-n̄g.
koh , 結果仝款. 伊想, 未開始伊 欲昏去 ah: koh 試一下.
伊忍受一切 ê , 提出賰 ê 氣力和尊嚴, 全部拚予魚, ǹg khi 身輕輕泅來, 長喙險仔 kho̍k 著船枋, koh 經過船下, 身軀長, 食水深, 體型闊, 銀色魚身搭配茄色 ê 條紋, tī 水 ni̍h 經過 像無了時.
老人 索仔放落, 用跤踏 leh, kā 魚槍盡量攑懸, 拚全身 ê 力放落, koh 聚集較濟 ê 氣力, ùi 魚身 水面 kap 老人胸前平懸 ê 魚翼後壁遐 kā thuh 入去. 伊感覺鐵 ê 頭有入去, àⁿ , koh kā tu̍h, 用全身 ê 重量 .
死亡到位, 魚忽然活過來, 跳出水, 現出規身 ê 長度 kap 闊度, kap 所有伊 ê 氣力 kap 美麗. 伊看起來 ná 像是掛 老人和船頂懸 ê 空中. 閣來伊摔落水, 噴甲老人和船澹漉漉.
老人頭眩, 欲吐, 目睭 ian-n̄g. 毋過伊整理好魚槍 ê 索仔, 予伊 ùi 兩手溜出去, 等伊會當看清楚 ê , 魚已經反腹, 銀色 ê 腹肚向天. 魚槍 ê 柄斜斜 ùi ê 肩頭突出, 海水予伊心臟 ê 血染紅. 一開始 是藍色海 ni̍h ê 一片沙灘, 深度超過一 mai. 閣來伊 雲散開. 魚白 siak-siak, 恬恬綴海湧搖動.
老人趁今看有, 詳細 . 然後伊 魚槍 ê 索仔 tān 兩輾 船頭 ê 柱仔, 雙手 moh .
"頭殼愛清醒," 伊靠 船頭枋講. "我是忝頹 ê 老人. 毋過我刣死這个魚兄弟, 今我愛來做 kho͘-lô."
今我愛準備索仔圈 kap 索仔 船邊, 伊想. 甚至 船灌滿水載魚起來, koh kā 水舀掉, 干焦載阮兩个, mā té 伊袂落. 我愛緊準備, kā 拖倚, 縛好, 徛桅杆, 撐船帆, 通轉去.
On the next turn, he nearly had him. But again the fish righted himself and swam slowly away. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who.
Now you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and know how to suffer like a man. Or a fish, he thought.
Clear up, head,” he said in a voice he could hardly hear. “Clear up.”
Twice more it was the same on the turns.
I do not know, the old man thought. He had been on the point of feeling himself go each time. I do not know. But I will try it once more.
He tried it once more and he felt himself going when he turned the fish. The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air.
I’ll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy now and he could only see well in flashes.
He tried it again and it was the same. So he thought, and he felt himself going before he started; I will try it once again.
He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish’s agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water.
The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish’s side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man’s chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it.
Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.
The old man felt faint and sick and he could not see well. But he cleared the harpoon line and let it run slowly through his raw hands and, when he could see, he saw the fish was on his back with his silver belly up. The shaft of the harpoon was projecting at an angle from the fish’s shoulder and the sea was discolouring with the red of the blood from his heart. First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water that was more than a mile deep. Then it spread like a cloud. The fish was silvery and still and floated with the waves.
The old man looked carefully in the glimpse of vision that he had. Then he took two turns of the harpoon line around the bitt in the bow and hid his head on his hands.
Keep my head clear,” he said against the wood of the bow. “I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work.”
Now I must prepare the nooses and the rope to lash him alongside, he thought. Even if we were two and swamped her to load him and bailed her out, this skiff would never hold him. I must prepare everything, then bring him in and lash him well and step the mast and set sail for home.

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